Showing posts with label ::the 1970s::. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ::the 1970s::. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

01/18/2011 - Written in 1975 by Ja'net Dubois of Good Times Fame, This TV Tune Was on the Air for Ten Years!

Good morning kids!  Have you ever "talked something up"? 

Believe it or not, this week - almost 16 years after it's departure from the airwaves - "The Jeffersons" has come up in conversation on multiple occasions ... and today is the 36 year anniversary of The Jeffersons' premier on CBS.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Billboard Chart Sweep - 1978, 1979


Billboard Chart Sweep - 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977


Billboard Chart Sweep - 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973


Thursday, December 23, 2010

12/23/2011 - Released in '71 & Re-Released in '73 - Greg Lake Wrote It At Age 12!

Good morning folks!  Today's post is a bit of an experiment on a slightly less rigid format on the "daily blog post".  ...or it's supposed to be.  We'll see how it turns out :) 

Anywho, I'm here because I was just looking up Emerson, Lake and Palmer -

I was visiting with a friend this week and we were discussing Greg Lake - Father Christmas

Sunday, November 28, 2010

11/28/2010 - ::Extra Goodies:: - On This Day in Rock History .. Rick Allen of Def Leppard

I think any music fan is familiar with the jest of the story of Rick Allen, drummer of Def Leppard. 

I learned many new tidbits while watching a BBC documentary the other night and a few other goodies I found on the grand ole YouTube.  I didn't realize that Rick Allen was only 15 years old when he joined Def Leppard.  That ... by the way ... was on this date in 1978. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

::Extra Goodies:: - Jim Croce

::Extra Goodies::
Jim Croce Anniversaries from ThisDayInMusic.Com
In 1985 Ingrid Croce opened Croce's Restaurant and Jazz Bar as a tribute to her late husband, the legendary singer-songwriter Jim Croce. Ingrid's customers enjoy warm hospitality inspired by more than thirty years of cooking for family and friends, and a menu of dishes influenced by the people, places and events that have touched her extraordinary life. In Thyme In A Bottle: Memories and Recipes of Croce's Restaurants (April; $24.00; hardcover), the title a loving reference to Jim Croce's hit song "Time in a Bottle," Ingrid shares these recipes and recollections for the first time.
Read more: Thyme In A Bottle Cookbook: Pumpkin Soup and Macaroni and Cheese

Still on the Charts When It's Writer Died in a Plane Crash .... from 1973

Good Morning and Happy Monday Folks!!  There's not much time for a note this morning, but I would like to thank the new followers and subscribers that were picked up over the weekend!!

At last count the Ocho-rific Song o the Days picked up 14 new prospective readers between Friday eve and Saturday at noonish!! :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Great Lyrical Advice from Cat Stevens!!

Happy Tuesday friends!!

I'm running a little behind this morning and I couldn't find a difinitive release date on today's song.  If the info I've come across is correct though, this song was used in the movie Harold and Maude in 1971 and wasn't released as a single until 1984!!! 

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Goodie from 1972 That Almost Didn't Make it to the Album...

Happy Monday cats and kittens! 

Quite a few tweaks have been made to the Ocho-rific

Song o the Day over the weekend and more are underway.  I've been doodling on a new "page topper" .. I think the people who are properly trained call it a "page header".. but I like to call it a "page topper".  Anywho,  I did this doodle yesterday afternoon at my kitchen table over a cuppa java and a few ciggies ...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

11-06-2010 - The Most Misunderstood Lyrics in the History of Music.. ?

Song o the Day...

Blinded By The Light

::Wiki "Facts"::

*"Blinded by the Light" is a song written and originally recorded by Bruce Springsteen, although it is mostly known by its 1977 #1 hit version recorded by Manfred Mann's Earth Band.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

11/04/2010 - A Great Vintage T.V. Theme Song!

I had a friend ask me last night what the Ocho-rific Song o the Day was going to be today. 

I hadn't selected it yet and told him that .. and he inquired about how I choose the songs and where I have them all, if there's some magical sheet that I look at.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

10/30/2010 - Yet Another Documentary on Halloween ... the 1978 movie, not the holiday ...

Happy Ocho-rific Halloweekend!!  I located yet another documentary on the movie Halloween this weekend.  This one includes a boat load of interviews and on location footage.

10/30/2010 - John Carpenter-Halloween Interview by Mark Kermode from 1999

John Carpenter interviewed by Mark Kermode for Halloween's 21st Anniversary. 1999.

I have a lot of folks to say that they don't have time to watch the video ...
sometimes the video's all there is ...
this is one of those times :)  

10/30/2010 - ::IMDB Tidbits:: - Halloween - 1978

::IMDB Tidbits:: is a new feature that is being added to the Ocho-rific Song o the Day.  I remembered this week while cruising around over there for random Halloween info what an amazing selection they have of tidbits, goofs in movies, behind the scenes stories, etc.
I'm truly not much of a movie buff in general, but I could still get lost for days over there!
IMDB has my stamp of Ocho-rificness ... I'm sure they'll be very excited :)

10/30/2010 - Halloween - 1978 - the Soundtrack

Let me preface this by saying that if you were to ask my favorite horror flick of all time, my answer would unequivocally, hands down be Halloween.   I don't identify that with any "numbers" or such because it shouldn't need them ... but I am referring to the 1978 Halloween.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

10/24/2010 - New York Groove - Ace Frehley

Last Saturday I spent some time in my laundry room, which consists of a 3'x6' closet, fluffing and folding ... one of my least favorite things to do.  I absolutely detest laundry with every ounce of my being.  I also detest KISS.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19/2010 - Right Down the Line - Gerry Rafferty


Good morning and Happy Tuesday!

Nearly two months ago, I officially kicked off the Ocho-rific Song o the Day with a little Gerry Rafferty tune called Baker Street.  Just a few days before I'd seen the video on a friends Facebook profile. I've always loved that song and googled to see what the details were on it.

As I googled to get the background, it occurred to me that I know at least 20 other people who like to hear the background stories of songs and bands and whatnot ... that's when the Ocho-rific Song o the Day was born.

Friday, October 15, 2010

10/15/2010 - Eastbound and Down - Jerry Reed - 1977

Good morning ... and again, sorry for the hiatus.   
As I've said before, sometimes life gets in the way.    I'd like nothing more (well, not maybe NOTHING more), but I would really like for this to be a daily event ... but when the day is full and something has to go; this is one of the first things to get tossed.  

Saturday, October 9, 2010

10/09/2010 - Imagine - John Lennon - 1971


"Music is everybody's possession.

It's only publishers who think that people own it."

-John Lennon


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