If you happen to read along with my marketing thoughts,
you may have seen the blog last Sunday regarding Flashback with Bill St. James....
Dear .. dear Bill St. James,
Click Here to
You and I have now shared more Sunday mornings than I did with my former hubby.
If you're reading along with the Ocho-rific Song o the Day, it's obvious that you're fans of random information and great music. Flashback is the Ocho-rific Song o the Day is absolutely groove-tacular!!
You can click here to LISTEN LIVE!
It routed me to KVVL out of Maryville, Mo.
You can click here to LISTEN LIVE!
It routed me to KVVL out of Maryville, Mo.
the Ochorific Song o' the Day!
Until next time...
Have a Grand and Groovy Day!!
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Please and Thanks!!