Good morning
and happy Saturday friends!
I've been sitting here at my kitchen table, which doubles as my office (and my art studio) since about 5 this morning working on new blogs.
I'd had a plan to do a big Mushtastic
Month of February - I have a lot of songs chosen and some great stuff "half way done". I still intend to run that stuff, but it will likely kick off ON Valentine's Day as opposed to the 1st of February as I had planned.
Those of you who know me in real life are not at all surprised by this and are wondering who on earth I could POSSIBLY be explaining my tardiness to...
I'll bet y'all think reminiscing about Wolfman Jack depressed the living daylights out of me ... causing me to go under ground for way too long ... that wasn't the case though .... As many of you know, I've been living in the world of self-employment since December 1 of 2010 ... and this month proved to be tight - leaving me with neither the time or emotional energy to post an Ocho-rific Song o the Day or much of anything else for that matter.
Anyhoo - I digress ... the Ocho-rific Song o the Day will be back on Monday with "Songs About Change".
Meanwhile, back at the Ocho ... as I sat here this morning sipping on my java and perusing the inter-web ... I couldn't help but hear Bill St. James say from my radio (evermore set to 94.7 wqqr) that I can find him on Facebook!!
Many of you may remember that I advised Bill St. James on his marketing and online presence not too long ago...
Click Here to Catch Up!!
Anyhoo - Bless your heart Bill St. James!
I'm so excited for you.
I continue to love your show.
Click Here for Bill St. James on Facebook!!
If all goes as planned, I'll see you cats and kittens back here on Monday!!
Be sure to click to subscribe - there's lots of groovy stuff coming up -
AND follow the Ocho-rific Song o the Day on Facebook!
Click Here to
the Ochorific Song o' the Day!
Until next time...
Be sure to click to subscribe - there's lots of groovy stuff coming up -
AND follow the Ocho-rific Song o the Day on Facebook!
Click Here to
the Ochorific Song o' the Day!
Until next time...
Have a Grand and Groovy Day!!
If you liked it, share it!!
If you liked it, share it!!
Please and Thanks!!
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